2023-12-12 12:11:36

青岛农业大学人才启动项目,许氏平鲉白细胞介素17及受体的鉴定及分析,2020.06.01至2025.05.31, 6万元。横向课题,耐盐碱微生物的筛选,2023.9.16-2025.12.30, 5万元。发表文章
- Zhang X, Jiang Y, Yu H, Wang N, Liu X, Cao M, Li C*. Comprehensive analysis of circRNA-miRNA-mRNA networks in the kidney of snakehead (Channa argus) response to Nocardia seriolae challenge. Dev Comp Immunol. 2023 Nov 23:105099.
- Zhang, X., Tian, Y., Yu, H. et al. Genome-wide characterization of mapk gene family in black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii and their expression patterns against Edwardsiella piscicida infection. J. Ocean. Limnol. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-023-2314-3
- Yu H, Yan X, Wang N, Liu X, Xue T, Li C, Zhang X*. Characterization of caspase gene family in Sebastes schlegelii and their expression profiles under Aeromonas salmonicida and Vibrio anguillarum infection. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2023 Oct 31;270:110913.
- Zhang X, Yu H, Wang N, Li C*. Comprehensive analysis of long noncoding RNAs and lncRNA-mRNA networks in snakehead (Channa argus) response to Nocardia seriolae infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023 Feb;133:108558
- Zhang X, Cao M, Xue T, Yu H, Yang T, Yan X, Li C*. Characterization of IL-17/IL-17R gene family in Sebastes schlegelii and their expression profiles under Aeromonas salmonicida and Edwardsiella piscicida infections, Aquaculture. 2022, 551: 737901
- Zhang X, Yu P, Wen H, Qi X, Tian Y, Zhang K, Fu Q, Li Y, Li C*. Genome-Wide Characterization of Aquaporins (aqps) in Lateolabrax maculatus: Evolution and Expression Patterns During Freshwater Acclimation. Mar Biotechnol (NY). 2021 Oct;23(5):696-709.
- Zhang X, Wen H, Qi X, Zhang K, Liu Y, Fan H, Yu P, Tian Y, Li Y*. Na+-K+-ATPase and nka genes in spotted sea bass (Lateolabrax maculatus) and their involvement in salinity adaptation. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2019 Sep;235:69-81.
- Tian Y, Wen H, Qi X, Mao X, Shi Z, Li J, He F, Yang W, Zhang X#, Li Y#. Analysis of apolipoprotein multigene family in spotted sea bass (Lateolabrax maculatus) and their expression profiles in response to Vibrio harveyi infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019 Sep;92:111-118.
- Zhang K#, Zhang X#, Wen H, Qi X, Fan H, Tian Y, Liu Y, Li Y*. Spotted Sea Bass (Lateolabrax maculatus) cftr, nkcc1a, nkcc1b and nkcc2: genome-wide Identification, characterization and expression analysis under salinity stress. Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research. 2019, 18(6): 1470-1480.
- Zhang X, Wen H, Wang H, Ren Y, Zhao J, Li Y*. RNA-Seq analysis of salinity stress-responsive transcriptome in the liver of spotted sea bass (Lateolabrax maculatus). PLoS One. 2017 Mar 2;12(3):e0173238.